Jean Ann is a playwright. You can read some reviews here and some plays here.
Her full-length plays are Seneca Falls, The Fog, Ladycation, Some Editing and Some Theme Music, and The Providence of Neighboring Bodies. With Eric John Meyer, she co-wrote Due to Events (Human Head Performance Group) and The Phantom Bride (Montana Rep).
Jean Ann's online interactive play MORNING was commissioned by Playwrights Horizons for their Almanac.
She has also written FISH and The Backroad Homeshow for The Truck Project, and received a commission from Spark & Echo Arts to write Alfred, Gwen, and Steve.
The Providence of Neighboring Bodies is published by Oberon Books. FISH and The Backroad Homeshow are available to read in Truck Plays. Seneca Falls, The Providence of Neighboring Bodies, The Fog, From A to B and Back Again, and Ladycation are available on the New Play Exchange.
For Some Editing and Some Theme Music, you kinda had to be there.